Lilongwe Crisis Nursery
22 babies - 4 girls, 18 boys
0 - Admissions
2 - Discharges
Numbers From The Six Community Center Programs
5,498 - Average daily number receiving meals, up slightly from 5,387 in September
2,823 girls
2,675 boys
Educational Support
8,393 - Number of children accessing pre-school educational support
4,547 girls
3,846 boys
7,497 - Number of children accessing primary school educational support
3,942 girls
3,555 boys
330 - Number of children receiving secondary school support
130 girls
200 boys
89 - Number of college students receiving support
15 girls
74 boys
Mobile Medical Clinic
1,654 - Number of patients treated, up from 1,347 in September
279 - Under five years old
1,375 - Over five years old and adults